Thursday, August 6, 2009


The idea of home is something I contemplate quite often. I once cross-stitched as sampler: Home is where the heart is. Cute, huh.

If you think about it the saying is true. Home really is where the heart is. Think of all of the people you love and how you feel when you enter their house. I have many friends whose houses I am very comfortable in; I love them dearly and I don't feel like a guest. Same for my family. I can be in an aunt or cousin's house and I feel at home.

I haven't lived in my childhood home for some time. In fact my childhood home is now my aunt's mother-in-law's home. So unlike some of my peers I don't go home to the place I grew up. I don't see my old bedroom unchanged over time. I'm glad. I can go to the house where I grew up and spend my time with my aunt and uncles and cousins and I feel at home. Their second floor apartment was as much my home as the apartment on the first floor. My father lives with my step mom in a different city but I know what no matter what that is my home. I haven't ever felt displaced although the idea of home has had to change as I've gotten older.

When I first moved into my apartment it didn't feel like home at all. The smells were all wrong. All of my important things were packed away. My cat wasn't even here the first night I stayed. It was terrible. I've slowly turned this into my home. I have all of my belongings organized and I buy myself fresh flowers once a week when I go grocery shopping. I have my cat here and although he may be obnoxiously crying at me when I'm not focusing on him I love to have something waiting for me every night. I walked into my apartment a few days ago I plopped myself down on the couch and I looked around.

Home, I thought. This is home.

This is where I will entertain friends and family. This is where I will plan my lessons and complete my school work. This is where I will sleep after long days of work and home. This is where I can do whatever I want whenever I want. I love this.

It's good to be home.


  1. That made me feel all cuddly inside.

    Thank you.

  2. my parents moved to another country and i have never gotten to go home again, ever. never got to do laundry at my parents or even see my old room or living room. i love our home now, my family, it's the first i have felt at home in all of my adult life, but when i dream of home, it's still that house i grew up in :)
